Wednesday, February 29, 2012

ACT: Canberra cyclists offered free bus travel

AAP General News (Australia)
ACT: Canberra cyclists offered free bus travel

CANBERRA, Dec 1 AAP - Free bus travel will be offered to cyclists who use Canberra
public buses fitted with bike racks.

ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope said the initiative is part of the government's climate
change strategy.

He said it would encourage greater bicycle use and give cyclists the flexibility to
combine bike use with public transport.

"As part of the governments commitment to creating a viable and effective public transport
system, bicycle riders who place their bikes on the racks provided by ACTION buses will,
from Monday, be entitled to travel on that bus at no cost," Mr Stanhope said in a statement.

There are 74 ACTION buses fitted with the racks which can hold two bikes at a time.

Mr Stanhope said if both rack spaces were occupied a cyclist would have to wait for
the next bus fitted with a bike rack to travel for free.

The ACT government has pledged to fit a further 50 buses with the racks by early next year.

AAP sld/arb


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