Thursday, February 23, 2012

Leader of the Pack - Cutting-edge online package testing product Pack Evolution launched by leading market researcher, Ipsos-Insight.

NEW YORK, Oct. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Market research firm Ipsos-Insight announced that it has launched a new, cutting-edge package-testing product in the U.S. called Pack Evolution that enables manufacturers to take advantage of the speed, efficiency and technology of the Internet to test package designs using digital shelf displays.

According to industry and trade data, marketers and manufacturers could benefit from insights into launching and repositioning their brands. More than 30,000 different products line the shelves, freezers and aisles of our supermarkets and other outlets, and tens of thousands of new items are introduced each year in the U.S., at an estimated annual cost of more than $1 billion.

"Shelf space competition in today's marketplace is fierce - consumers are inundated with a multitude of brands, flavors, varieties, and sizes," said Lauren Demar, President of the Consumer Products division at Ipsos-Insight, a member of the Ipsos Group of global research companies. "And retailers are constantly monitoring the situation - determining what should stay, and what should go. On-shelf factors such as packaging are a product's last chance to influence a consumer's decision to buy and the stakes are huge."

"Pack Evolution's true-to-life testing reflects real phases of shopping behavior: as part of the online survey, respondents emulate approaching the store shelf (i.e., digital shelf) and then move in for a closer look at the packages on the shelf. The insight provided into a product's on-shelf visibility, brand recognition and persuasion by Pack Evolution, along with the powerful diagnostics incorporated, can make a significant difference to brand growth," Demar added.

"Ipsos is extending its expertise in consumer packaged goods marketing solutions to the new, frequently unexplored arena of packaging research," said Lynn Rosen, Ipsos-Insight Product Manager for Pack Evolution. "Clients like the speed of the online data collection and how easy it is to test new package designs with digital images."

   To view the full version of this release, please go to:    For more information, please contact:   Lynn Rosen   Director   Ipsos Pack Evolution   516.507.3374  

CONTACT: Lynn Rosen, Director, Ipsos Pack Evolution, 516-507-3374,

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