Monday, February 27, 2012

NSW: Iemma officially sworn in as premier

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Iemma officially sworn in as premier

MORRIS IEMMA has been officially sworn in as premier by New South Wales Governor MARIE
BASHIR at a ceremony at Government House in Sydney.

Mr IEMMA arrived at the Macquarie Street residence with his wife SANTINA and his ministers
just moments after long-tern Labor leader BOB CARR officially handed in his resignation.

Ms BASHIR told assembled media and ministers that she had sworn Mr IEMMA in as premier.

Mr IEMMA'S cabinet is currently being sworn in, but he hasn't said which portfolios
the members will take on.

The reshuffle is expected to be announced at a press conference at 1.30 pm (AEST).

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