Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Embarrassing cloak-and-dagger tactics are obsolete in this age of the internet; COMMENTARY.(News)

Byline: Robert Fox Defence Correspondent

THE SAS mission to eastern Libya has turned out to be more Keystone Kops than Bravo Two Zero. Surely it needed much less cloak and even less dagger to make contact with the new regime in Benghazi? The episode has brought a damaging loss of prestige for Britain, and in practical terms is very counterproductive. The insurgents are very keen to rebut the Gaddafi propaganda claim that they are being run by foreign powers.

The escapade seems to have been astonishingly badly thoughtthrough, and given the SAS involvement, the thinking -- or lack of it -- must have come from the very top in Downing Street.

The Government's handling of the Libyan crisis still seems well off the pace, driven by events rather than anticipating them. More worrying, perhaps, is the Prime Minister's new obsession with Libya. Given the scarcity of UK resources, this risks taking the eye off the ball in the Gulf, where British interests are more directly and deeply involved.

Protesters are being urged via Facebook to rally this Friday in Saudi Arabia and Oman for a day of rage. The Saudis have ordered 10,000 extra troops into their eastern cities, clearly fearing trouble. Further demonstrations are threatened in Yemen and Bahrain, two areas of British involvement. Across the Gulf, the regime in Iran has issued dire warnings against demonstrations also anticipated for Friday.

China, too, is jittery about a new wave of "jasmine protests" and is again trying to shut down major internet service providers.

The huge conversation running through the internet unimpeded by political authority and commercial establishments is not yet fully understood but via Facebook and Twitter, those oppressed by the world's autocracies no longer have to suffer in silence. Their case is now before a global audience and jury.

Western governments must make a leap of imagination to catch this tide, rather than rely on outmoded SAS diplomacy and sweetheart oil deals with tyrants.

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