Wednesday, February 29, 2012

QLD:Main stories in The Courier Mail

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD:Main stories in The Courier Mail

BRISBANE, Aug 17 AAP - Main stories in The Courier Mail newspaper on Wednesday:

Page 1: The primary search area for Daniel Morcombe's body has been narrowed to an
area the size of a room, but the family has been warned police may not find any evidence
at all. Cairns singer-songwriter Emma Louise scooped the pool at the Queensland Music

Page 2: The man accused of killing Daniel Morcombe was well known in the Sunshine Coast
area, a court was told.

Page 3: Mystery surrounds the death of a US student in her university accommodation
at Toowoomba, but it is not considered suspicious.

World: US President Barack Obama has started his unofficial 2012 re-election campaign
with a three-day bus trip though the midwest.

Business: Onesteel has flagged more job cuts and possible closures in its loss-making
steelworks division as the industry endures weak demand and a high Australian dollar.

Sport: Hopes for a live telecast of Friday night's NRL blockbuster between Jonathan
Thurston's Cowboys and South Sydney have been trampled.

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