Sunday, February 26, 2012

Assange gets on our Wik.(News)


WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange was heckled at a literary festival yesterday.

He ducked a question about the US soldier who faces spending the rest of his life in jail for allegedly leaking classified information to the whistle-blowing website.

Assange was a surprise late addition to the programme at the Hay Festival of Literature in mid-Wales.

He was asked if his own brief spell in prison - when he was refused bail while facing extradition to Sweden over a rape accusation -had made him better appreciate Private Bradley Manning's plight.

When Assange failed to give an adequate answer, one audience member shouted: "Answer the question."

During his appearance, the internet activist also revealed that WikiLeaks habitually destroy all records of their sources, adding: "The only way to make sure you have no secrets is to not collect any."

And talking about the prodemocracy revolution in Egypt, the controversial Australian said he detested the "mid-brow squeamishness" of Brits.

He said they "would rather destroy an entire revolution, and keep a country in dictatorship, than risk being blamed for the tiniest thing".


Ducking: Assange

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