Thursday, March 15, 2012

Grandmother's body switched at Ill. funeral home

Members of a family from Burbank, Ill., say they went to a funeral home to view their 91-year-old grandmother's body but found another woman's body in her casket.

Relatives of Lillian Grogan say the stranger was even wearing her dress and favorite bracelet Monday at Mount Auburn Funeral Home in the nearby Chicago suburb of Stickney.

Grogan had been mistakenly buried. Her family got a …

DMV to close for inventory

The Division of Motor Vehicles Kanawha City office will close …

McGovern Says Dems Need to End Iraq War

LINCOLN, Neb. - George McGovern, the former senator and Democratic presidential candidate, said Thursday that he will meet with more than 60 members of Congress next week to recommend a strategy to remove U.S. troops from Iraq by June.

If Democrats don't take steps to end the war in Iraq soon, they won't be in power very long, McGovern told reporters before a planned speech at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

"I think the Democratic leadership is wise enough to know that if they're going to follow the message that election sent, they're going to have to take steps to bring the war to a conclusion," he said.

McGovern will present his recommendations before the …

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jurors weep at details of 'Baby Grace' torture

Jurors wept Tuesday watching a woman describe how teaching her 2-year-old daughter proper manners turned into a daylong torture session in which the toddler was beaten with belts, dunked in cold water and flung across a room so violently that she died.

Kimberly Trenor, 20, detailed the abuse in a videotaped statement played for jurors during the first day of her capital murder trial.

Trenor, 20, told investigators in the statement that she hit her daughter with a thick leather belt to teach her to …

Serbia demands EU commitment, Balkan leaders meet

Serbia's leader has called on the European Union to openly tell his country "without making any excuses" whether it wants Serbia to join the 27-nation bloc or not.

Serbian President Boris Tadic spoke Wednesday at the opening of a Balkan summit in Istanbul, saying "we don't want to be used as a pretext to do absolutely nothing."

Tadic's criticism comes despite assurances by the EU …

When anxiety strikes, reach for homeopathic remedies

Traffic. Deadlines. Bills. These and other daily "inevitables" almost always leave us feeling stressed. Some people are able to forget stressful situations -- routine or traumatic - and leave them behind once the stressor is removed or over. However, for others, the stressors they face lead to a kind of chronic state of anxiety, or fear.

In her book, Nature's Prozac, Judith Sachs differentiates between stress and anxiety by saying, "Stress is physiological arousal - the body's reveille to a bad situation that has to be attended to. In calm individuals, the stress reaction vanishes as soon as the problem is taken care of. But anxious people who are highly reactive stay stressed -- …


Twelve children who were among a group of 275 illegal migrants pulled from rough seas off the Greek coast on Sunday have been hospitalized with dehydration and hypothermia, according to government officials.

The migrants were aboard the Turkish-flagged Aktag, which was en route to Italy when the vessel encountered mechanical problems 11 nautical miles (20.4 kilometers) off the western Greek coast late Saturday, and sent out a distress signal. Rough seas and gale-force winds prevented coast guard vessels and …