Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Madigan debuts in D.C. as state decision looms

As Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan is pondering her next political move, she positioned herself here Monday on an impressive platform with three Cabinet secretaries and a commissioner. The subject was the scum who prey on people with mortgage fraud schemes.

Madigan, in a brown pantsuit, flanked by men all wearing gray, was trying on the big stage to see how it fit.

It fit fine.

Madigan, along with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and others, outlined a series of steps the federal government is taking to crack down on scammers.

Unfortunately in this foreclosure crisis, mortgage "rescue" hustlers have found cons to play with all the new mortgage assistance the federal government is providing.

Of all the players in Illinois politics, Madigan's next move is the most important because it will have ripple impacts up and down the ticket.

She's a possible candidate for governor -- meaning she would face Gov. Quinn in a Democratic primary -- or could consider the Senate seat held by Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.). Burris is extremely vunerable to a primary challenge.

After the press conference, Madigan talked to two Chicago reporters.

I asked her if she were thinking about the Senate, and her answer will be found interesting by state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, who has already said he is running, and former Commerce Secretary Bill Daley, who is contemplating a bid.

Thinking about the Senate? I asked.

"Never given it any serious consideration, Lynn," Madigan said.

But you are considering running for governor?

"Correct," Madigan said.

Madigan only has 10 lawyers working on mortgage scams. It's tough. It's like "Whack a Mole," she said. Get rid of a scheme in Illinois and the operation pops up in Michigan.

Mortgage bottom feeders are giving Madigan a chance to show her stuff. She'll have to decide soon what to do with it.

Photo: Lisa Madigan and Tim Geithner. ;

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